Industrial Parks & Companies of Bages

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Bages it’s a county that has an important number of learning centres and also training offer. This type of centres includes publics and private, specialized and all of them have a good quality. By these centres it’s possible to answer the necessities and requirements from de labour market. Moreover, the county has a several specialized centres that can offer some support and take some advice in innovation and research. This service is to address to the all companies because are more important to achieve the economic growth and competitively. The information about the learning offer and the most important centres of learning want to become an excellent and useful tool to consult about the global formal and informal training. It’s necessary to promote a good quality and prestige learning according to the new labour market tendencies. One of the most important aim is to contribute to reduce the misalignments between the offer and demand learning that exists in the our county and also between the learning necessities that has the labour market and the economics sectors.

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