The owner of this website is the © Consell Comarcal del Bages, with registered offices at Muralla Sant Domènec, 24 (08242) Manresa (Barcelona) Telf. +34 93 693 03 50.
The current document (LEGAL INFORMATION) has the aim of regulate the current utilization of Consell Comarcal del Bages website in the following URL
The utilization of the web implies for the user the full acceptance of each and every condition stated by this legal notice.
User commits him/herself to use this web and its full contents according to the Law and the Legal Notice. Also, user commits him/herself to not use the website or the services related to this website for illegal purposes opposite to the contents of this legal notice, that may be harmful for the interests or rights of Consell Comarcal del Bages, or third parties, or in any case, that may damage the website or its services, or to harm a satisfactory use of the web for other users
Also, user commits him/herself to not destroy, alter, affect, the database, program, or electronic documents, hosted in the web.
User commits him/herself to not hamper access to other users to the website service by the means of a massive abuse of computer resources, in which Consell Comarcal delivers the service and also to not undertake actions that may harm the normal working of tools and electronic devices.
User commits himself/herself to not misuse information, messages, texts, documents, photographs, drawings, diagrams, databases, software programmes and also logos, trademarks, trade names or other graphics belonging to the Consell Comarcal or third parties who have authorized to use their contents strictly to the association.
User commits him/herself to not misuse informations, messages, drawings, maps, sound files, images, photos, recordings, and any other material accessible from the website, and services offered.
This website and all its contents, including the whole texts, messages, texts, documents, photographs, drawings, diagrams, databases, software programmes and also logos, trademarks, names or other graphics belong to the Consell Comarcal del Bages or third parties who have authorized its use for Consell Comarcal. The whole material is under intellectual property legislation. Consell Comarcal del Bages deserves the right to take actions to repair harms and injuries caused by any act that may damage property rights on those contents. It is strictly forbidden to distribute, modify, or transmit the content, and the code of pages, excepting if having the authorization of Consell Comarcal del Bages to do so. All rights are reserved.
In any case "cookies" or other similar resources will be used to store information that may enable identification of the person user of the website.
Is not allowed, except having the authorization of Consell Comarcal del Bages to do so, to establish links from websites different from the main page, reachable by URL:, or one that substitute this one in the near future. It is no possible to present web pages from Consell under marks, signs, and distinctive features, labels, brands, o different designation, from another person, firm, or institution.
User is the only responsible of damages that may have been caused for a misuse of the website and Consell Comarcal del Bages is exonerate for any responsibility that can be derived from actions of users.
User is the only responsible for any legal action, judicial or extrajudicial, that, launched for third parties against Consell Comarcal based on utilization of the website by the user. If that happens, user will assume any cost derived by this claim based on legal actions that may be derived as a result of legal actions
Consell Comarcal del Bages deny any responsibility derived by interference, omission, interruption, virus, telephonic incidences or disconnections, in the operative functioning of electronic system, caused by circumstances not related to Consell Comarcal.
Consell Comarcal del Bages deny any responsibility on information outside the website, as information contained on links has the aim to inform to the user on the existence on other data and information on specifically and related topics. Consell Comarcal del Bages exonerates on any responsibility derived from the functioning on links, from the results obtained with those links and also on the truthfulness and legitimacy on the contents and or information derived from those links and also from the prejudices that may have been caused for the information on those links.
Possible conflicts related to this website will be lowed by Catalan and Spanish courts being the Court of the domicile of the holder of the web.